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Have you seen the new SpatialDash?

MineRP’s browser based spatial analytics and reporting products are capable of doing real-time spatial reporting and analytics of the Big Spatial Data for mining. Whether your interest is improved operational management or executive reporting, there is always room for more accurate, timely and interactive reporting at every level of the organization.

SpatialDash is a web based, cloud enabled interactive spatial dashboard application that allows mining professionals to remain on top of operational KPIs.

With SpatialDash, users can create rules that combine data from a variety of disciplines, set conditions to this data, and display exceptions, high or low areas, etc. visually in space.

New upgrades to SpatialDash allow you to:

  • Access and visualise your dashboards with any device or browser.

  • Create beautiful, interactive charts and graphs by using the user-friendly design tools.

  • Easily share catalogs (the spatial queries defining what you want to see) with many scenes (the visualization of these catalogs).

  • Create connections to multiple data sources on multiple servers in multiple locations.

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