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R&R Governance

(Orebody Knowledge)

Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve governance is the comprehensive, overarching management process by which the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve is estimated, managed, and reported.​

Speak to MineRP about the cradle to grave management of your entire mineral asset throughout its lifecycle.

The Objective

The Problem

The Solution

Manual, annual R&R Reconciliations creates room for inconsistency in reporting, leading to a loss of investor confidence.


With traditional approaches to managing fragmented mining technical data, it's a mammoth task to accurately forecast, track and reconcile the conversion of mineral resources to reserves and finally x-mine product.  


Mineral resource managers are executive asset managers, yet they have to dredge through swamps of data to reconcile annual positions and clarify the impact of mine plans on the primary asset of the company. 


Investors put their faith in the accuracy of your resource estimates and need to know that the assets they own will be mined profitably.



Mining executives are appointed to achieve maximum conversion of Resource & Reserve into Metal/Product in a capital effective way.


Mine planners, geologists and mineral resource managers should provide the executive with the confidence they need to stand before investors and other stakeholders with full peace of mind that the promises they make will be delivered.

With Geological, Planning and Actual mining information all centralised on the MineRP Platform, mines have on-demand access to:

  • Real-time views of the R&R Status

  • Continuous insight into Capital Conversion Rate / Effectiveness

  • Reduced risk of inaccurate reporting

  • Predictable ore recoveries

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