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Integrated Mine Planning

Ensuring that "TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life of mine” requires that mine production planning seamlessly integrates data from all disciplines in the  MTS domain across all planning levels and spanning all planning horizons.  Single platform based Integrated Mine Planning enables multi-disciplinary inputs and consideration of mine planning options. 

The Objective

The Problem

The Solution

Optimal plans require an optimal understanding of the ore-body, and undelayed access to current positions, conditions and models. 


Yet, mine planners are frustrated by fragmented expert systems and time-consuming data exchanges, and key intelligence is lost in the translation of data formats between systems.



The reality?  Mine planning takes forever.  The weeks or months spent developing a single mine plan means that executives are unable to develop alternative scenarios to test. 


And that's not acceptable!  

Firstly, MineRP’s spatial platform amalgamates all your mining technical data onto a single, central SpatialDB.  No need to buy different geo and planning and survey tools if you're happy with what you've got.  You worry about planning, we'll worry about managing your data.


Secondly, MineRP Planner is the only parametric planning tool that runs directly on SpatialDB and offers rapid mine design and scheduling capabilities for all mining methods and commodities.  


MineRP Planner will use your rules on your underlying data to generate fast, accurate and complete mine designs and schedules for all horizons.   


With MineRP, you'll deliver multiple plans and budgets in days - not months!

Mine Planners are tasked with understanding everything about the ore-body in order to extract the maximum value from it.


That's only achieved through the application of the optimal mine design and extraction schedule to the most up-to-date interpretation of all mining technical data.


It entails alignment to the strategic, tactical and operational objectives of the business and takes due consideration of all mine technical aspects impacting the determination of optimality.


Lastly -developing a single plan is not good enough anymore.  Successful mines develop and consider multiple alternative mine plans and budgets before selecting the optimal strategy.

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