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Enterprise capability to import and reference spatial data from most Geological packages and databases, and export back into a variety of formats. This enables & improves Corporate Resource and Production Geology. For Resource Geology, tools for exploration & grade control (borehole management, and estimations), Resource & Reserve Governance (Unified Model Management, Model Builder, Schedule Evaluation and Evaluation), and Geological Modelling. For Production Geology, Geological Mapping, CAD draughting, Grade Control (Sampling, Dilution Control and Observations), and Grade Control KPI management.

MineRP GeoInventory is the resource and reserve inventory management solution based on MineRP’s patented system and method for depletable, natural asset management, accounting and analysis.

GeoInventory describes the configuration of resource and reserve inventory and its movement between R&R classifications spanning in-situ to broken rock, and broken rock movement to the mill.  It includes an underlying transactional database with the ability to reconcile, account for and report on the movement of rock between virtual and real inventory warehouses.

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